Hitler Famous Quotes In German
Welcome to our site! Here we have a plenty of hitler famous quotes in german for you as your basic idea in your next action. Feel free to download the image and use it as your guideline. Browse deeper to get more info abouthitler famous quotes in german.
Transcripts of hitler s conversations 5 july 1941 30 november 1944 made under the supervision of martin bormann 1953.
Hitler famous quotes in german. Der jude aber wird nicht die europäischen völker ausrotten sondern er wird das opfer seines eigenen anschlages sein. Adolf hitler went on to be known as a feared dictator. Hitler said in a speech. Hanna reitsch and melitta von stauffenberg were two talented courageous and strikingly attractive women who fought convention to become the only female test pilots in hitler s germany.
Only the mighty can bear defeat the human race is unimportant. 450 copy quote we have to put a stop to the idea that it is a part of everybody s civil rights to say whatever he pleases. The germans who wanted hitler and germany to be defeated immediately were true patriots not traitors. Here are 20 of hitler s most central quotes concerning world war two which bring out the essence of the führer s method and mission.
Best adolf hitler quotes adolf hitler the dictator of germany and the founder and leader of national socialist german workers party nazi party rose to the power of german politics. Adolf hitler quotes showing 1 30 of 556 if you win you need not have to explain if you lose you should not be there to explain adolf hitler if you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough it will be believed. Quotations by adolf hitler german leader born april 20 1889. Das bolschewistische ungeheuer dem sie die europäischen nationen ausliefern wollen wird sie und ihre völker dereinst selbst zerfetzen.
Hitler s first six years in power resulted in rapid economic recovery from the great depression. Hitler was a great orator who voiced his plans and reached out to the germans who were influenced by his ideas. Adolf hitler quotes at brainyquote. The faster a dictator is defeated the fewer people die because no dictator cares about human life mehmet murat ildan.
It is the self that must not be betrayed i suppose one could say that hitler didn t betray his self but millions of germans did betray their selves. He initiated world war ii and oversaw fascist policies that resulted in millions of death.